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Construction repair

Building your own boat is truly the adventure before the adventure. And as is often the case, the pride of having built your boat is opposed by the lack of time and space to do so. Then you have the solution of calling on our shipyard to manufacture sailboats, tenders, spars and dinghies to plan and the choice of construction material will be made according to your specifications. Our team remains at your disposal for a construction adapted to your needs!


Wood Construction

We are custodians of a long tradition of know-how as well as traditional technical skills and our shipyard offers you the possibility of making your dream come true: creating your own custom boat .

Specialist in light shipbuilding (leisure and fishing), our marine carpenter creates and assembles the frames of your hull in different types of wood, works on this skeleton to fix the planking, deck, interior fittings... in accordance with the rules art.

The bay of Morlaix being the cradle of the caravel invented in the 1950s by Jean-Jacques Herbulot, our shipyard has specialized in its construction since 2009 and we have manufactured 17 of them with the greatest respect for the gauge.

This very simple boat, its ease of maneuvering and its large capacity make it a very interesting boat for walking, fishing and even regattas! It has attracted many boaters in the bay of Morlaix where during the summer we come across their colorful hulls on the water.

Polyester construction

If traditionally the first boats were built in wood, in the 1970s composite construction became the most widespread.
Professionals in composite materials, we will provide you with turnkey solutions and manage your project, from budget through design to manufacturing, in compliance with defined specifications and constraints.
We manufacture boat hulls, rudders, daggerboards, skirts, etc. in polyester from a mixture of resin and fiberglass, applied in a laminate mold, or use another type of construction such as sandwich construction or core construction. -mousse.
From creation to production, the composite parts are built on laminated polyester, wood, epoxy molds and for a beautiful interior finish, the mold will be a male mold. The female mold will be used for an exterior finish, boat hulls.

Infusion Technology

We master infusion injection techniques, a process used in the nautical and aeronautical industries.
This technique allows us to produce floors, bridges, boat hulls, etc.
A vacuum casting (open mold/vacuum tarpaulin) allows the resin to be drained to the end of the mold, drawn into the vacuum channels and slowed down by the tear cloth.
If the temperature of the workshops and the humidity appear to be a constraint to this technique, the hygiene and health aspect is an advantage because it does not produce styrene vapor. By respecting certain constraints such as avoiding preferential paths, the drained resin diffuses through the fabric-foam-fabric sandwich and the vacuum allows it to impregnate the fibers. We then obtain little porosity and very good mechanical properties.
Our experience allows us to calculate viscosity, dosage and weight. We infuse the part to be molded using turns diffusing the resin onto the reinforcements and control the speed of propagation.
The choice of resins, type of parts, and Airex core materials, associated with the type of placement of the turns (parallel or fishbone) and the positioning of the fibers, will determine the quality of the finished product.


As you can see, the Carantec Roscoff Shipyard masters these construction techniques and is therefore able to carry out all repairs or reconstructions on these materials.
Depending on the condition of your boat, and depending on your objective, simple refurbishment or reconstruction, we will provide recognized know-how and offer you a suitable project.
Construction bois Caravelle ©Chantier Naval Carantec
Construction bois Caravelle ©Chantier Naval Carantec
Construction bois Caravelle ©Chantier Naval Carantec
Construction bois Caravelle
Fabrication encornat La fabrication d'un encornat est réalisée par un charpentier de marine du chantier naval qui maitrise les techniques de travail du bois pour assurer la qualité et la durabilité des pièces et ou coques fabriquées. ©Chantier naval Carantec Roscoff